**''see last modified date at base of all pages''** {{:opencart_-_logo-268x50.png?nolink&200|}} ===== CoPilot - Google's Services How To... ===== ---- \\ Pages and site with Google Privacy settings and ticks to secure your privacy online...\\ \\ **Note:** These are not necessarily the best way but it is what we found works best for us.\\ \\ ---- CoPilot\\ ---- \\ Certainly! Here are some tips and resources to help you stay safe and secure online, especially when using Google services: \\ * **Google Safety Centre:** Visit the [[https://safety.google/intl/en_in/|Google Safety Centre]] for comprehensive information on internet safety, safe browsing, and privacy settings. It covers various aspects of online security and provides valuable guidance. * **Security Checkup:** * Take the Security Checkup provided by Google. It offers personalized recommendations to strengthen the security of your Google Account. * Enable **2-Step Verification** to add an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access. This requires a secondary factor (like a text message or authentication app) in addition to your password. * **Password Management:** * Use strong and unique passwords for each account. Google’s built-in Password Manager helps you securely store and manage your passwords. * Regularly check your saved passwords using the Password Checkup tool to ensure their security. * **Avoid Phishing:** * Be cautious of suspicious URLs or links. Hover over a link or long-press it on mobile to verify its legitimacy before clicking. * Always ensure that the URL begins with “https” to indicate a secure connection. * Watch out for impersonators who may pose as legitimate organizations. * **Privacy Settings:** * Customize your privacy settings in Google services. Review what information you share and adjust accordingly. * Consider using a private browser, disabling location tracking, and restricting profile information3. \\ Remember that staying informed and practicing good online habits are essential for maintaining your privacy while benefiting from Google’s services. \\ ---- ---- \\ ===== Complete Guide: Tips and Tricks for Asking Copilot AI and Getting the Best Results ===== \\ This guide is crafted for both beginners and professionals who wish to maximize their interactions with Copilot AI. It provides insights into crafting effective prompts, utilizing context, and structuring queries to obtain the most accurate and helpful responses. Whether you're coding, writing, or researching, this guide will help you get the most out of Copilot AI. ---- ==== Basic Tips ==== **1. Be Direct and Specific** Copilot AI responds best to direct and specific prompts. Avoid general or vague questions. For example: * **Not Ideal:** "Help me with this code." * **Better:** "Can you show me how to write a for loop in Python that iterates over a list?" **2. Provide Relevant Context** Adding context to your query helps Copilot AI generate more accurate responses: * **Example:** "I'm working on a Django project. How do I set up a new model in Django?" **3. Break Down Large Tasks** When working on complex tasks, break them down into smaller, manageable questions: * **Complex Task:** "How do I build a REST API with Node.js?" * **Breakdown:** 1. "How do I set up an Express server in Node.js?" 2. "What is the process for creating routes in an Express app?" 3. "Can you show me how to handle JSON requests in Node.js?" ==== Advanced Techniques ==== **4. Use Iterative Queries** If the initial response isn't quite right, refine your query with follow-up questions: * **Example:** "You mentioned setting up routes in Express. Can you show me how to add middleware for logging?" **5. Rephrase and Reiterate** If Copilot AI's response doesn't meet your needs, try rephrasing the question or providing additional details: * **Original Query:** "How do I debug JavaScript?" * **Rephrased:** "Can you provide tips for debugging JavaScript in Chrome DevTools?" **6. Ask for Examples and Documentation** For complex concepts, request examples or direct references to documentation: * **Example Request:** "Can you provide an example of how to use async/await in JavaScript?" ==== Image Placeholder ==== Incorporate images to visually represent examples and steps where relevant. * **Image Example URL:** `{{:copilot_example_image.png?400|}}` ----