**''see last modified date at base of all pages''** {{:opencart_-_logo-268x50.png?nolink&200|}} ===== How To... ===== ---- \\ Here is a list of some of our how to...\\ \\ **Note:** These are not necessarily the best way but it is what we found works best for us.\\ \\ ---- ====== Documentation Index ====== **Wiki Documentation** * [[blank_template|WikiDocuments Template]] * [[DOKUWIKI / Syntax]] ---- ==== Device Settings - DEV SETT ==== * [[device_settings|DEV SETT - Device Settings]] * [[dsl_-_modem_router_settings|DEV SETT - DSL - Modem/Router Settings]] * [[supportdesk_-_setup_on_android|DEV SETT - SupportDesk - Setup on Android]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Clients - CLT ==== * [[single_or_multiple_issues_per_Ticket_-_clients|CLT - Single or Multiple Issues per Ticket]] * [[how_to_use_our_ticket_system_-_clients|CLT - How to Use Our Ticket System]] * [[mail_servers_email_settings|CLT - Mail & DNS Server Settings]] //(settings for email)// * [[mobile_data_-_apn_configuration|CLT - Mobile Data - APN Configuration]] //(settings for mobile data)// * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Local Tech - LOCAL TECH ==== * [[local_tech_field_sdm_wall_mount|LOCAL TECH - How to Install SDM in Wall Mount Bracket]] * [[biomet_sdm_install|LOCAL TECH - BioMet & SDM Install]] * [[local_tech_field_report|LOCAL TECH - How to Use Our Ticket System Field Report]] * [[biomet_sdm_install|LOCAL TECH - BioMet & SDM Install]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Linux Desktop - LNX DSK ==== * [[kali_linux|LNX DSK - Kali Linux]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Linux General - LNX GEN ==== * [[apt_uninstall_linux|LNX GEN - Uninstall in Linux]] * [[apt_updateupgrade_linux|LNX GEN - Update, Upgrades and cleanup in Linux]] * [[cmdtocheckos|LNX GEN - Check OS version]] //(Almalinux Centos and Ubuntu)// * [[linux_FW|LNX GEN - Linux Firewall]]\\ \\ * [[linux_crontab|LNX GEN - Linux Crontab/Cronjobs]] * [[linux_editors|LNX GEN - Linux Editors]] * [[linuxhacktrblshoot|LNX GEN - Linux Hack troubleshooting]] * [[linux_scripts|LNX GEN - Linux Scripts]] * [[linuxspace|LNX GEN - Linux Space]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Linux Server - LNX SRV ==== * [[AlmaLinux|LNX SRV - AlmaLinux]] * [[Centos|LNX SRV - CentOS]] * [[osCentos|LNX SRV - General CentOS]] * [[osDebian|LNX SRV - General Debian]] * [[osUbuntu|LNX SRV - General Ubuntu]] * [[Ubuntu|LNX SRV - Ubuntu]] \\ * [[cacti_server|LNX SRV - Cacti]] * [[cpanel_whm|LNX SRV - cPanel / WHM]] * [[srv_cwp|LNX SRV - CWP on Almalinux]] * [[docker|LNX SRV - Docker]] * [[uptimekuma_server|LNX SRV - Kuma]] * [[netbird_io|LNX SRV - Netbird VPN Manager Peer-to-Peer VPN]] * [[ai_ollama|LNX SRV - Ollama]] * [[linuxopenvas|LNX SRV - OpenVAS]] * [[proxmox|LNX SRV - Proxmox]] * [[LNX_srv_SSL|LNX SRV - Your Own SSL Certificate on CentOS, AlmaLinux, and Ubuntu]] * [[TrueCommand / TrueCommand|LNX SRV - TrueCommand]] * [[TrueNAS Core / TrueNAS Core|LNX SRV - TrueNAS Core]] * [[TrueNAS Scale / TrueNAS Scale|LNX SRV - TrueNAS Scale]] * [[LNX_srv_tacktical_rmm|LNX SRV - Tactical RMM]] * [[rustdesk_server|LNX SRV - RustDesk]] * [[Snipe (Asset & Inventory Managment) / Snipe|LNX SRV - Snipe (Asset & Inventory Management)]] * [[lnx_wazuh|LNX SRV - Wazuh (Centralised Security)]] * [[zenoss-sc|LNX SRV - Zenoss]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Linux Applications - LNX APP ==== * [[rsync|LNX APP - rsync]] * [[linux_clamav|LNX APP - Linux ClamAV]] * [[linux_nmap|LNX APP - Linux NMAP]] * [[linuxopenvaskali|LNX APP - Linux OpenVAS on Kali]] * [[LNX_srv_ssh|LNX SRV - SSH]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ---- ==== 3rd Party - 3RD PRTY ==== * [[Handy_Site|3RD PRTY - Handy 3rd Party Sites]] * [[Handy_Site_ict|3RD PRTY - Handy 3rd Party Sites | ICT]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Access Info - PAGE ==== * [[Access Info|PAGE - SupportDesk RDP Access Info]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== AI - AI ==== * [[ai_prompts|AI - Prompts]] * [[ai_ollama|AI - Ollama AI Guide]]\\ * [[ai_ollama_hw|AI - Ollama Hardware is ]] * [[Gemini AI Guide|AI Gemini - AI Guide]]\\ * [[ChatGPT AI Guide|AI ChatGPT - AI Guide]]\\ * [[ai_chatgpt_sc-yoda|AI SCYoda - About SC-Yoda]] * [[CoPilot AI Guide]]\\ * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Android- AOSP ==== * [[clear_popups|AOSP - How to Clear/Remove/Block Web Page Pop-Ups on an Android Phone]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== App - APP ==== * [[wiki:web_-_how_to_enable_monetization_for_your_youtube_account|APP - YouTube - Monetization for Your YouTube Account]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Business - BIZ ==== * [[busi_ideas|BIZ - * IDEAS]]\\ * [[busi_forms|BIZ - * FORMS]]\\ * [[Short notes|BIZ - * Short Notes]]\\ * [[Van Westendorp's Price Sensitivity Meter|BIZ - Van Westendorp's Price Sensitivity Meter]] * [[AU_ICT_Comp_cert_ass_comply|BIZ - AU - ICT Company certifications, associations and compliancies]] * [[busi_dep|BIZ - Key business departments]] * [[busi_pillars|BIZ - Key pillars to a business]] * [[buzi_mba_briefguide|BIZ - Brief MBA Guide]] * [[buzi_caregiverguide|BIZ - A Complete to Caregiving in Todays World]] * [[buzi_canvas_subs|BIZ - Canvasing new Sub-Contractors]] * [[busi_agile|BIZ - Agile Program Management]] * [[buzi_proj_meth|BIZ - Project Management Methodologies]] * [[buzi_roi|BIZ - Performing a cost-benefit analysis ROI]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Company General Info - CO ==== * [[Company Info|CO - Company Info]] * [[Company Internal Structure|CO - Company Internal Structure]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Courses - EDU ==== * [[edu_proj_man_pro_certf|EDU - Google Project Management: Professional Certificate]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Facebook - F ==== * [[PrivacyFB|F - Your Privacy Facebook Sites/Apps]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Google - G ==== * [[Your Privacy Google Sites|G - Your Privacy Google Sites/Apps]] * [[Google Dorking|G - Google Dorking]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== ICT Technical - ICT ==== * [[ict_tech|ICT - Technical Guides]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== MikroTik - RB ==== * [[mikrotik|RB - MikroTik]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Microsoft - MS ==== * [[PrivacyMS|MS - Your Privacy Microsoft Sites/Apps]] * [[windows|MS - Windows]] * [[office|MS - Office]]\\ * [[MS_massgravel|MS - Activation,Change,Troubleshoot,DL-Scripts]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Marketing - MKTG ==== * [[marketing_short_notes|MKTG - Marketing key Short Notes]] * [[marketing_geniues|MKTG - Marketing Geniues standout for general and ICT companies]] * [[marketing_short_qkalign|MKTG - Get other to quickly align with you]] * [[marketing_chatgpt_comau.supportcall|MKTG - ChatGPT - Marketing Strategy for https://comau.supportcall.co.za/]] * [[marketing_gemini_comau.supportcall|MKTG - Gemini - Marketing Strategy for https://comau.supportcall.co.za/]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Programing - PROG ==== * [[prog_androiid|PROG - Programing Android]] * [[prog_web|PROG - Development with AI]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Property - Prop ==== * [[prop_nxt_level|Prop - Next Level Sales]] * [[prop_hobart_living|Prop - Hobart Living]] * [[prop_best_in_au|Prop - Best places to live in AU]] * [[prop_best_in_au_col|Prop - Best places to live based of Cost of Living in AU]] * [[prop_immi_irl_au|Prop - In depth side by side compare immigration to IRL vs AU vs POR]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Personal - PERS ==== * [[pers_peranting_discipline|PERS - Parenting and Discipline in a new age]] * [[pers_peranting_movies_kids_6|PERS - Top 100 Movies for Kids under 6 without Violence]] * [[pers_peranting_movies_kids_10|PERS - Top 100 Movies for Kids under 10 without Violence]] * [[pers_peranting_movies_kids_13|PERS - Top 100 Movies for Kids under 13 without Violence]] * [[Weight Loss|PERS - Weight Loss]] * [[KIDS_fin_lit|PERS - How do you teach financial literacy to children?]] * [[caregiverhandbook|PERS - Ultimate Complete Caregivers Course Handbook]] * [[4x4recovery|PERS - 4x4 Recovery]] * [[books_200_pop_recipes|BOOKS - 200 Most Popular Recipes]] * [[book_ot_guide|BOOKS - OT Guides]] * [[pers_carreer_dhm|PERS - Career DHM]] * [[pers_carreer_lrd|PERS - Career LRD]] * [[pers_tax_min_sa|PERS - TAX - How to pay as little tax as possible in South Africa]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ==== Projects - Proj ==== * [[proj_osticket_timer|PROJ - osTicket Timer]] * [[proj_tradingbot_luno|PROJ - Auto Trading Bot - LUNO]] * [[123|123]] * [[123|123]] ---- ---- \\ ==== Key to a happy Relationship and Marriage ==== * [[relationship_key|Key to a happy relationship & marriage]]