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Single or multiple issues per Ticket - CLIENTS

Here is a brief guide on weather you should create one ticket for multiple issues or one ticket per issue.

Ticket request Tips

Each issue that needs to be addressed should be on its own ticket, reasoning is… See this case as eg, A ticket was created for…

This is technically 3 tickets as there are 3 issues or things to do

The reason for the separation is that each can get their own issues/delays and each can also be completed without the need for the other.
If the AP point cabling hits a snag or delay that impacts the resolution and closure of the install of the AP and ticket, or if the cabling is done but there's no AP (as it may well have been in the case) the cabling ticket cant be closed off.

So to us, the simple way way look at it is,

Hope this clarifies a little when separate tickets are needed

By using email the only information available for the tech is the information that you enter in your email or ticket.
Note as much information and all the steps taken, as well as what it is that you need the tech to do.