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How To Modify Moniter - Contact Services In WHM

Here is quick tipes for cPanel/WHM

Note: These are not necessarily the best way but it is what we found works best for us.

If you are getting e-mails from WHM to your contact address with errors about the hostname IP or the “ChkServd Service Monitor” then make sure things are set up as needed or tweak your settings to receive fewer notifications.

To disable service monitors and prevent e-mails etc. from being sent to admin on account there are two main locations to investigate:

   Main >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager

Determine which services are actively monitored/active.

   Main >> Server Contacts >> Contact Manager

Change contact for e-mail, etc. and the priority at which each item alerts the user by Low, Medium, or High priority.

whm_modifymoniter.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/15 18:02 by